Russian Disability NGO "Perspektiva"

Perspektiva is a Russian disability non-governmental organization (NGO), founded in March of 1997. From 1994-1997, Perspektiva served as the representative office of the World Institute Disability (WID), a US-based NGO. Perspektiva aims to promote independence and an improved quality of life for persons with disabilities in the Russian community.

We are committed to:

  • building the capacity of grassroots disability organizations working for equal rights and an improved quality of life for people with disabilities;
  • assisting people with disabilities and their families to acquire new skills and knowledge to become fully participating members of society and to gain equal access to inclusive education and employment;
  • educating professionals, officials, parents, students, employers and other members of the community about disability issues to break down physical and psychological barriers that people with disabilities face.

Our events